Providing Marriages & Families with Gospel-Centered Resources

Contentment ~ April 2022 Update

It has been a while since I last updated everyone on my health and my plans. I am very thankful as my cancer continues to be stable (not growing or shrinking), however, my energy and strength continues to be greatly impacted by the cancer and the chemotherapy. As a result, I have made the difficult decision to “retire” from pastoral ministry on June 1st by going on disability. I have served in pastoral ministry at 2 different churches for the past 23 years. I have been tremendously blessed! It was a decision that was shaped primarily by my health and a desire to dedicate my remaining time to my wife and children (hopefully many more years). I will also try to keep writing here at and serve as my health allows. At first, we were planning to remain in Maryland, but God decided otherwise. On the very evening that Shree and I met with church leadership and decided to begin the process for disability, I get an unexpected message from the owners (and friends) of our previous home in Pennsylvania, they were letting me know that they were selling their house. One of the difficult changes in coming to Maryland was saying goodbye to that house, a place where our children were born, and we had so many memories.  It is also nestled deep in the woods and mountains of Pennsylvania, if you know me well then you know what that means to me personally. Many of you who will read this are from Perry County, PA, and can appreciate why it brings me joy to return. So we are excited to soon close on both the MD and PA houses.

Thank you for your prayers, love, support, and encouragement for me and my family. Below is my message to my church at our Good Friday service last week on resentment and contentment.

Categories: Marriage